
The National Suicide Prevention Office (NSPO) is a specialist unit established to lead the adoption of a national whole-of-governments approach to suicide prevention in Australia.

The NSPO provides strategic advice to all parts and levels of government on the actions required to enhance protective factors, address the social determinants of suicide, intervene early in distress, provide coordinated and compassionate care, and improve continuous long-term support. 

The Office is dedicated to ensuring work is guided and informed by partnerships with people with lived experience of suicide and draws on the diverse insights and rich combined knowledge and expertise of individuals, communities, service providers, advocates, researchers and government agencies. 

Lived Experience Partnership Group

In order to achieve lasting reform, the NSPO is dedicated to ensuring that people with a lived experience of suicide are partners in the work of the organisation. The LEPG provides value to the NSPO through the contribution of diverse views and expertise.

The overall purpose of the Lived Experience Partnership Group is to:

  • Ensure lived experience insights and knowledge are incorporated into the operations and work of the National Suicide Prevention Office, including the development of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy and National Suicide Prevention Outcomes Framework
  • Provide subject matter expertise to the NSPO on current and emerging issues
  • Advise on current and emerging policy based on the expertise of members
  • Advise the NSPO on effective and inclusive ways of meaningfully partnering with people with lived experience of suicide in the performance of its duties
  • Provide advice on engagement activities, such as targeted advisory groups, to ensure inclusive and equitable opportunities for influence
  • Identify any potential barriers to the success of the work of the NSPO and opportunities to address these.
ACTBen Farinazzao
NSWAmy Bertakis
NSWBenjamin Brien
NSWJo Riley
NSWKen Barnard
NTCharles Nasir
QLDChris Trupp
QLDJordan Frith
QLDLuke Woods
SAAdila Alef
VICImbi Pyman
VICIsha Garg
TASChaya Rainbird
WASusan Edgar

Click here to access a summary of the diversity of lived experience leadership and cultural representation within this group.


National Suicide Prevention Office Advisory Board Members


Dr Alan Woodward


National Mental Health Commission

Alex Hains


Executive Director,

National Mental Health Commission


Prof Henry Cutler




Centre for Health Economy, Macquarie Business School



Dr Wendy Southern PSM


Recently retired.  Previously held Deputy Secretary positions in Dept of Health, the then Dept of Immigration and Citizenship and as a division head in Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Kym Peake



EY Port Jackson

Health and social care systems

Prof. Kathy Eagar


Professor, Health Services Research and Director


Lived Experience Advisor

Graeme Holdsworth


Retired & Director, Suicide Prevention Australia Board
Lived Experience Advisor

Bronwen Edwards


Chief Executive Officer,

Roses In The Ocean

Social Policy

Prof. Karen Fisher


Social Policy Research Centre,

University of New South Wales

Social PolicyProf. Steve Allsop

National Drug Research Institute,

Curtin University

Social Determinants:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities

Prof. Pat Dudgeon





Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention,

University of Western Australia

Social Determinants:

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

Pino Migliorino




Managing Director & Chairperson,  

Cultural Perspectives Group

Social determinants: Health equity


Prof. Sharon Friel




Menzies centre for Health Governance,

Australian National University

Social Determinants:


Nicolas Parkhill


Chief Executive Officer,


Social Determinants: Veterans

Gwen Cherne



Veteran Family Advocate Commissioner

Peak Body:

Suicide Prevention Australia

Nieves Murray



Chief Executive Officer,

Suicide Prevention Australia

Peak Body:

Gayaa Dhuwi Proud Spirit Australia


Rachel Fishlock



Chief Executive Officer,

Gayaa Dhuwi Proud Spirit Australia

Last updated:
  • Suicide prevention